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Currently, I work part-time for Ontario

Tech University as a Web & Digital

Media Coordinator. My main

responsibilities for this job include

assisting with on-campus shoots and

creating multimedia content for social

media platforms. Here is a sample from

a athletics highlight which I edited

this year. 


In the Fall of 2020, I began doing content creation for Fit Performance, an online-based personal training business founded by 2 Durham College students. I have helped them with bringing their visions to the screen. Since then, they have been able to draw in much more traffic to their social media pages for personal training inquiries. Currently, I create various forms of promotional content optimized for Instagram and TikTok. 

Summer of 2022, I volunteered for a 

community car club by doing media/video

coverage for an event. My primary job was

to film cars at the meet. Here are a

couple of samples of work that I have

completed for this organization. 



Spring of 2022, I was hired by an automotive detailing business to film and edit YouTube videos, which consisted of various jobs on cars and trucks, tutorials and reviews. Their YouTube page has over 12 thousand subscribers. A link to this channel has been provided to demonstrate the work I have done for this business. 



  • YouTube


During the COVID-19 lockdowns, I took the extra time to learn animations in Adobe After Effects. Currently I work specifically with logo animation sequences, as shown here. 

I like to believe that professional logos and animations, when used in video, can really spice up your content creation and draw more attention from audiences. 


This was a short narrative film I created titled "The Phone Call" starring Richard Zeman, an experienced actor with over 100 IMDb credits. We found an old fashioned telephone and it sparked an idea for a story. 

This featured video was made to demonstrate various lighting techniques involving light and shadow. I had my friend Mathew help script a motivational 

speech, as I filmed him going out for a night time jog.




Spring of 2021, I put together a short video describing the downfall of the fishery of Hoople Creek in Ingleside, Ontario. My father, John Sliter, illustrates the reasons for why the fish have declined over the years and some solutions to increase the population. 

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